43rd Commencement Exercise of UPLB: First Graduation After Calendar Shift

Despite of the heavy pour of rain hours before the ceremony which caused the collapse of the temporary roof built in DL Umali Freedom Park, the very first July graduation of UPLB successfully carried on last July 4, 2015, Saturday. The air was filled with a happy mist as honorable guests, UPLB officials, and graduates take part in the start of a new chapter of each graduate’s life.

Wearing their sablay, as per memo no 089 issued 23 June 2015 by the current Chancellor Fernando C. Sanchez Jr., BS, MA/MS, and PhD graduates marched into the roofed field at four o’clock in the afternoon while family members, friends, and org-mates cheer them beyond the fences.

The graduates were reminded by the current Chancellor, in his Message to the Graduates posted in the Chancellor’s blog, about the responsibility of each iskolar to turn the honor and privilege of graduating at the University of the Philippines to public service that means dedicating self to others in many ways.

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